That's right, I was recently promoted to a Certified Scentsy Consultant! I knew I was so close in August and so I really worked on making more connections and getting more sales an there it was! I am pretty happy with my success! If you do not know what Scentsy is or maybe you want to place and order, here is my website: Kimberly's Scentsy Page Recently I have decided to start offering free samples of the Scent of the Month and that has seriously led me to new customers and a few sales right off the back! Scentsy Rocks!
In other news, school is going really good. I am glad that I chose to take evolution with anthropology as the two compliment each other and makes it doubly easier to learn. Skylar is doing AMAZING in school! Jacob is also doing well. He learned and can sing the entire National Anthem in a short 2 weeks. So proud of them both!
I don't know about you all, but I am really getting excited for the holidays! They are fast approaching, that is for sure. I am already about to start Christmas shopping!
Hoping you are all doing well. Until next time..