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I really get a high from coupons, I must admit it. I was hard and heavy into coupons for a minute, but school and kids somewhat took over. More so school. Well, now that summer break is near, I am sorting and clipping coupons again, ready for the fun shopping trips.

As someone who loves to shop (who doesn't) I take pleasure in shopping with coupons. Why? Its the thrill of free or near free items. Its saving my money but using coupons to purchase multiple items so that I save even more money the next month. I don't spend much out of pocket and come home with a trunk full of goodies.

Currently, I have a stockpile of shampoo and creme rinse to last for a year. No joke. I probably paid 25 center a bottle. Sundry items are running only about 3 - 4 months out. So yeah, this is the time to get focused and build my stockpile. Summer time stocking up leaves me with less shopping to do in the winter and enjoy being in my warm and cozy home!

Do you use coupons? Do you stockpile?


  1. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to mega couponing. I do watch for ads and coupons and rebates from stores that I go to regularly. We shop at a cheap place and they don't have ads. We stock up on stuff at Costco and love their monthly coupons. The grocery stores in town are pricey. They sometimes have great deals (free things or discounts) when you spend a certain amount (sometimes only $10). Our food expenses are massive. And, the boys are big eaters. Scares me how much it could end up being each month.

  2. I read a lot at and really, that is how I more or less self-taught myself how to do the coupon thing. I enjoy it! Its sort of like shopping for next to nothing. I really wish we had a Sams Club near by, but it is quite a ways a way. I remember Sacramento had Price Club and that was nice! I hear you on on the big eaters, aye!
