The Weight Loss Journey

As you may have noticed, I have broadened my page to reflect my life more so than simply my weight loss journey. I don't want my life to be consumed with what I eat. Having said that, my weight loss journey is going good. I am really excited that I am not gaining my weight back. I mean I have my weeks where I am up a pound or so, but I lose it and more eventually. This is key to weight loss, for me anyway.

I cancelled my membership to WW. Not because they are bad, but because I don't want to continue to pay for it. Instead, I am doing the American Heart Association caloric intake. Its *alot* like WW but without the points and without the $. Its basically eating the calories you need to which will allow you to lose 1-2 pounds a week. For me, I can have 1800-2300 calories a day. I am happy with that. And if truth be told, at 40 years old and having tried nearly every diet out there, I do not care if I lose 2 or 3 or 7 pounds a week. So long as I am losing something, I know that my body is doing what I need it to do.

I allow myself a certain amount of  calories for each meal and then snacks are 100 calories or less. Mostly fruit or veggies. I have to tell you, it is working for me. I am happy! Calories are easy to count because you can find them on almost everything you buy.

So, weigh in is tomorrow. I have had a couple days where I had some chocolate, not more than my daily calories allowed, but I have consumed an awful lot of diet coke over water. I am sitting here sucking down the water now! I am finding the best way to limit my pop intake is by only putting in a couple of cans in the fridge each day and leaving the rest out. I will NOT drink hot pop, blech!

Lately I have been quite the shopping girl! Hitting sales with coupons and paying so little that one day the lady behind me in line asked me if I was the "coupon queen". She saw my total start at $70 and after coupons show $6~! That was a good day. And I have to say, a diversion to sitting in the house stuffing my face. :)

Hope you are all doing well on plan!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim!

    I totally can relate to wanting to include more of your life in your blog.. sometimes I feel like I don't have much of a life beyond trying to lose weight. I get so obsessed.

    I am back to Low Carb.. are you working back toward it? Most of the weight I have lost so far (was up to 50# lost - but I've gained almost 20 over the last six months) was on Low Carb.. I just have to find a way to keep up the motivation with it this time.

    Have a great night!
