The Funk

If you ever had a few days where you just felt extremely blah, not in the mood for crap, semi depressed, well, then you too have felt THE FUNK! That's where I have been. Saturday and Sunday, coming off a 1 pound gain, I was not doing so well. I over ate both days and have since moved on. Yesterday I stayed within point range, until I ate the 6 or 7 tootsie roll midgets. Today, on to bigger and better things. Cleaning rooms, reorganizing and staying focused. I think focus is the biggest key to losing weight. You have to focus on your motivating factor, focus on what you put in your mouth and focus on sticking with is. So today, from FUNK to FOCUS!

Of course it also helps that Biggest Loser is on tonight. :)

Hope you all are staying focused on your goals and that you have an awesome Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. sorry about the funk, I totally understand that. I hate that feeling. Every moment is a new beginning.....follow program from this moment on, eat fruit, chug that water, do some exercise. Try to work out of this. You can do it!!! BL does help, doesn't it? :) Love that show.
    hugs hon!!!
