Ready for Fall

I woke last night/early morning to the sound of thunderous rain beating on my windows. I have to say it was one of the best things I have heard in a while. We've been pretty much in a drought. We had seen 40+ days of over 100 degree temperatures and very little rain. Today's high was around 90. What a pleasant treat. Our meteorologists are calling for random periods of rain over the next several days. How awesome is that?!

Along with the cooler temps comes the feeling of knowing that fall will soon be here. I am ready. SO ready! So much so that today I found myself making chili in the slow cooker and rearranging my living room. Yes, fall makes me happy. I've come to realize I am just not a summer person. To be quite honest, I could survive with Fall, Winter and Spring just fine. There really is no need in temperatures reaching over 80, not in my book anyway...


  1. I hate the gray spring and summer are for me. I am looking forward to soup again. You know me. How was the chili?

  2. Oh the chili was wonderful!!!!! I am ready for soups to sistah!
